Clan Love Funny
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CULTIVACION 59 (I)- 65(II)- 69(II)

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CULTIVACION 59 (I)- 65(II)- 69(II) Empty CULTIVACION 59 (I)- 65(II)- 69(II)

Mensaje por Admin Miér Dic 24, 2014 9:00 pm

Part One (level 59+)
Meet the Elder
Start NPC: Elder of Archosaur (570 648)
Reward: Gold (2,100), EXP (3,500), SP (800), Rep (12)

Kill Oggo the Quillhog King
Mission #1: Kill Oggo the Quillhog King
Monster Locale: (495 318) near Tusk Town
Mission #2: Visit Elder of Archosaur (570 648)
Reward: Gold (5,900), EXP (9,800), SP (2,300), random celestone or Celestone Fragment (1)

Part Two (level 65+)

Discovery (extrañeza)
Start NPC: Tough Man Tiehi (547 372)
Mission #1: Walk the small path to Swamp of the Wraiths to find out the origin of the sad emotion (547 399)
Mission #2: Visit Tough Man Tiehi (547 373)
Reward: Gold (2,350), EXP (3,900), SP (900), Rep (14), random celestone or Celestone Fragment (1)

Secret of the Swamp
Start NPC: Elder Huo (538 416)
Reward: Gold (2,350), EXP (3,900), SP (900), Rep (14)

Earn the Trust
Start NPC: Elder Huo (538 416)
Mission #1: Kill Noxious Philestine
Monster Locale: Ridge of Dreaming Cloud (508 394)
Mission #2: Return to Elder Huo (538 416)
Reward: Gold (13,400), EXP (22,300), SP (5,100), random celestone or Celestone Fragment (1), Rep (14)

Part Three (level 69+)
Celestial Elder
Mission #1: Visit Elder Huo (538 416)
Mission #2: Visit Celestial Elder (449 452)
Reward: Gold (2,500), EXP (4,100), SP (950), random celestone or Celestone Fragment (1)

End of Love
Start NPC: Celestial Elder (449 452)
Mission #1: Go to the Altar of Disbelief to kill Demon Hsuanling
Monster Locale: Swamp of the Wraiths (538 488)
Mission #2: Go to the Altar of Disbelief to kill Sage Chiuying
Monster Locale: Altar of Misbelief (540 484)
Mission #3: Return to Celestial Elder (449 452)
Mission #4: Kill Resentful Pyrosteosis (Inside Wraithgate)
Mission #5: Dig the Deicide Altar (behind Resentful Pyrosteosis) (430 572)
Mission #6: Dig the Mysterious Chest (near the Forest Ruins in the Forest of Haze) (676 466)
Mission #7: Talk to Hsu Hsiako (587 567)
Mission #8: Visit Hsu Hsiako's Wife (558 912)
Mission #9: Return to Hsu Hsiako (587 567)
Mission #10: Return to Celestial Elder (449 452)
Reward: SP (320,000), random celestone (1), Rep (70), player's choice: Superior Radiant Charm (30) (Phys Attack +120) -or- Superior Magical Charm (10) (Mag Attack +145)

Mensajes : 174
Fecha de inscripción : 10/12/2014

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