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pasos para craftear NIRVANA (Falta traducir una parte :P)

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pasos para craftear NIRVANA (Falta traducir una parte :P) Empty pasos para craftear NIRVANA (Falta traducir una parte :P)

Mensaje por Admin Vie Dic 26, 2014 3:36 pm

Hay dos tipos de materiales de nirvana

Uncanny Crystals - para craftear armor de nirvana .
Rapture Crystals - para craftear armas de nirvana. Solo lo dropea el ultimo boss y el boss opcional que aparece con las 99 llaves de nirvana.

Crafteando armor nirvana

Hay dos tipos, el que se hace a partir del set 99 de hall y del que se hace a partir del de lunar.
El de hall tendra menos defencsa, pero viene con extra bonus +4% de defensa, el de lunar tendra mas defensa de base, y tiene la ventaja de no ser ligado al alma.

Recast - takes 100 Uncanny Crystals. Los stats de base del armor no cambian luego de este paso, pero se convertira en armor g15 con bunos y base de defensa. cambiara la apariencia del arma en este paso.
Quench - takes 150 Uncanny Crystals. El stat camvbiara, y en este paso recibira un bonus si haces 2,5, o 6 de 6 piezas.
Reforge - takes 2 Uncanny Crystals. Este paso es opcional y sirve para cambiar al azar algun stat, cada paso transfiere gemas y refinamiento.


Hay dos tipos, el que se hace a partir del arma dorada 99 de hall o la 100 de hh y del que se hace a partir del del arma de lunar.

Recast - takes 100 rapture crystals. During this step you have the option of selecting a G13 Nirvana weapon in the same family as the base weapon. For instance you can make a G13 Nirvana slingshot out of a gold TT99 crossbow. TT100 weapons skip this step. The G13 Nirvana weapon has the same stats as the most similar TT or Lunar weapon but comes with higher base damage and a G15 refine. The appearance is changed in this step.
Quench - takes 150 rapture crystals (230 crystals for TT100 weapons). The weapon becomes G15 at this step with even higher base damage than recast. The G15 weapon is given 3 random stats during this phase, one from a primary pool of stats and two secondary stats from a separate pool
Reforge - takes 7 rapture crystals. For this optional step all 3 attributes of the G15 weapon are rerolled. The sockets, gems, and refinement are always transferred in this step.

Chienkun Transferring
When crafting Nirvana gear you are given the option of using items called Chienkun Stones to transfer the refinement, sockets, or gems of the current gear. Chienkun Stones come from the boutique.
The total amount of Chienkuns required is the sum of the Chienkuns required to keep refinement, sockets, and each gem. You can choose which of those you do not wish to transfer but transferring sockets is required to transfer gems. No Chienkun is required for transferring refinement or sockets during the Reforge step, transferring is required for reforge.

Mensajes : 174
Fecha de inscripción : 10/12/2014

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